Welcome to the New Caffe Luxxe Experience!

caffe luxxe owners smiling in front of a coffee roaster

We are pleased to announce the release of our brand new Caffe Luxxe online experience.

We hope that this website creates a better shopping experience for you, as we've implemented some exciting new features (with more to come).

Unfortunately, transitioning to this new website will require you to sign up with a new account as a matter of protecting your privacy on the original website. While you won’t need to register an account to shop with us, we encourage you to create one at checkout. Creating an account allows you to manage these new features such as viewing your order status and managing your subscription.

Rest assured that your transaction history from our previous website is not lost. We have collected a detailed history of each transaction that has been placed, and are able to send you your information upon request. Also, this information does not include any credit card information beyond the type used.

If you have any questions please call us at 310.394.2222, or email us at
